Has your "MORE THAN" been replaced with a "LESS THAN" ?

Marni Ausenbaugh
I was chatting with a friend this morning about how women always "feel" like

they are  "less than" when they are in a group of other ladies.

She was expressing how fear and anxiety grips her when she is around a group of women !  This is an issue men and women deal with equally. Women are more verbal about it.  We process it differently but it’s still the same root issue.



I loved the conversation so I thought I would share a little of it

and add a little extra as I thought about this precious young woman !!!





First of all, and this isn't even the  point I want to make but please let me sidebar a moment...we are powerful together!  God created us for community!  I do believe this is why we experience the internal (fleshly) push to be apart. We were created for community!  

God created us as a body, HIS BODY!

We are to teach and reach each other!

If I am the arm in the body of Christ, I can't move without being "attached" to the shoulder.  Are you my shoulder?  Cause I can't be effective without you....

you see the picture I am painting for you?

We are to move as a body.

This "less than" business has kept us isolated, insulated and unable to move because we aren't connected.

I'm gonna expose the core of that in a bit... Just keep reading....

Sorry..I have that out of my system now. Let's get back to this feeling of  being"less than".

I told my sweet friend that almost every woman I know… (without fail)… is insecure in at least one area in her life.

I've talked to way too many of you... I know….and I live in my own skin !!

Women (who don't look insecure) either cower in the corner or they will head toward the light!

*you do know that you can hide in the light just as easily as you do in the corner*

I have spent the last 4 years (I'm 51 now for reference) learning to walk in my own skin (that God created me in) in power, submission and grace so that I can tell of His greatness. The "less than" in me created by time, faults and the worlds impact had taken its toll.

This "less than" cloak kept me hostage!  I'm sure it has you as well....



You see, I never thought I was "good enough" and "knowledgable enough" to speak of Him with authority and boldness.  I looked at others around me that seemed so much "more than" the "less than" that I was.

Sound familiar? Grr....

 As I read the Bible, I am not "less than"!

His word never says that. The enemy says that...but not my Father.

   You see the contradiction? I am His daughter but I believe myself to be "less than"?


I have an (fleshly) internal measuring stick that tells me I am "less than"

but in my reality as His daughter, I am not.  I am "more than".


Do you see how the enemy has sown the "less than" seed in us and what he is reaping?



My heart is to teach you or maybe remind you through scripture some things I would love for you to steep on!  You can't argue with these truths because they are straight from the word of God.  


-So much is in you....placed there by God.


-You have to bucket lots to impart....placed there by God.


-You have a legacy...placed there by God.


- Your giftings and callings are needed in the body...placed there by God.


-You have wisdom to give...placed there by God.


-You have fruit to give to those around you....placed there by God.


-You have influence for the kingdom....placed there by God.




If God will give me breath and strength, I will be a living breathing testimony to what God has shown me over the last 4 years! God is so good to teach us but with knowledge becomes accountability to teach it.



So here's my question... Do you see yourself in this blog or in the scriptures I've referenced?  Has God shown you a new picture of yourself from reading what He says about you.

Are you a "cower in the corner" kind of person or a  hide in the "light" individual ?





Did you just think there was something wrong with you or had you ever thought that the enemy was perhaps replacing your "more than" with a "less than"?


You will look and walk differently when God exposes the truth
 of what the enemy is trying to steal from you?


Do the relational work of "knowing God"!

 Spend time with Him in prayer.

 Spend time in solitude.

 Spend time in His word....and really mediate on it.

 Spend time really listening for His voice.

 Read a devo!

 Pray when the ceiling seems to be crashing in.

 Learn His character.

 Learn how really truly faithful He is!

 Learn how He never leaves His people.

 Really truly experience how much He loves you......

When you get a working knowledge of who your daddy is......ain't no enemy of the King gonna ever make you feel "less than" again…..for you're "more than" is all in Jesus.  

Now, that'll preach sister!
Now let's be transparent....most of us are or have been stuck (including me)
because we didn't know who we were "in Him”.

 I knew and was really acquainted with the hot mess express I am on my own, but friend,
let me tell you, I don't walk on my own.


Jesus guides my steps and walks before me.

He created me.

He formed me.

He created me with purpose and that's just the start.




So for me to walk in a "less than" shoe.....that doesn't fit my daddies king size foot!



Y'all know I don't play!  I'm as simple as they come!  The simple, when it takes root deep within us, becomes the profound.


The profound changes lives!

If we were to grasp that we are more than conquerors IN CHRIST who loves us ,so many areas of our lives would be different!  


You want to talk about living in true freedom to know you never ever have to perform to earn love again? YES!  Sign me up for that !     To have he freedom to walk into a room and not feel "less than”?  It all happens when we really come to grips with who Christ says we are. The ransom has been paid!  The debt has been paid.


The freedom to walk in who you are in Him and to really engage in the lives of others around you ....PRICELESS….ALL PAID BY CHRIST.



Seeing this up close is revolutionary.   It is reality!  It can be yours!


It is yours in Christ. When this spiritual lightbulb goes off , it also has the potential to change every relationship you have!   We perhaps may find ourselves at rest for the first time in our lives.
As you walk with Christ, I mean put some miles in with Him, and believe what He says, you'll not be tricked by the enemies  "side steppin" tactics!


You'll learn when the voice you hear doesn't line up with the voice of your Father. You will easily see the enemy for who he is.....



Replace the lie with the truth and watch God facilitate the change in you!  


You know I love you....Marni
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1 Comment

JoAnna - July 26th, 2021 at 9:11pm




