I Need Help

Kara Colburn
There is a common phrase heard in my house:

"No! I caaaaannn dooooo it!"

Our 3 year old is convinced he can do all the things, all by himself.  

And truth be told, I am often of the same mindset.  I am fairly certain I came out of my mother's womb this way...and I spent years believing this lie.  

In the Bible, in book of Genesis, we learn that the serpent pursuaded Eve with the lie that she could be like God...have His wisdom, power and knowledge.  *Genesis 3:5-6 NIV "You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.  For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”  When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband,who was with her, and he ate it.

As adults, we do not typically  walk around thinking or saying "I can do this myself, I am wise and powerful and have it all under control".   But, we convince ourselves that we can and we are... because needing help might  make us feel or look weak.    

This is where Eve (and Adam) bought the lie.  She simply did not want to be in need of God or someone else. I am certain this broke God's heart.  God the Father...who wants so much to be our source, our strength, our hope.  

I was raised by a mother of great strength and wisdom.  My dad was sick throughout my childhood and young adulthood. Because of my dad's illness, my mother was forced to step into the "head of the household". She carried us and our home in every way...emotionally, financially, spiritually.  As strong as she appeared to be, and truly was, she simply could not do it all and she had help.  

My mother's choice to ALLOW others to help her and us changed the trajectory of our lives.  I spent many years choosing to carry my own struggles and when I finally allowed others to help, it changed my life.  It required me to be vulnerable, letting my walls down and realizing I really was not fooling anyone by "keeping it all together".

I quickly learned that vulnerability is COURAGE. And being courageous is allowing my people...those who really know and love God, those who really know and love me...into the tough places in my world.    

Recently I was in a situation where I absolutely needed help.  I simply could not handle things by myself, and if things continued as they were, it would gravely affect my family.  I was losing sleep, crying pretty frequently, being  irritable with my kids & husband, waiting to see if things would change, and praying in desperation as if God was not listening.  

It was past time to pull my people in.  I was afraid, because this was not a little thing in my world.  I desperately needed God to intervene. So I laid it all out for them, gave them specifics, asked for wisdom, and asked them to pray.  And you know what...there was NO JUDGMENT.  Only wisdom, hope, grace and love.  And I knew they were praying.   Ten thousand pounds were instantly lifted from my heart and mind.  

In a matter of a couple of days, the miraculous love of God moved above and beyond what I had asked.  He saw me, he saw my family, and He had already been working even though I could not see it.  

Asking for help...

•Why is it difficult?
Because we have to admit our weakness and need, and pride often gets in the way of that.  The lie that we are in control has prevented us from allowing His grace to be made perfect in our weakness.  *2 Corinthians 12:9 The Message, My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.

•Why is it necessary?

It is God's design that we are in need.  It is a built in part of who we are.  Adam needed a helper. *Genesis 2:18 NIV, The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Our need for others allows them to serve God and function the way the Body of Christ is supposed to.  *Galatians 6:2 The Message, Stoop down and reach out to those who are oppressed. Share their burdens, and so complete Christ's law.

•What happens when we ask for help, when we actually cultivate a habit of allowing others close enough to us to step in and help meet our needs?

We recognize God as our Sovereign Authority, our Father, our Husband, our Deliverer, our Savior.   We fulfill the law of Christ!

Meaning, we express the heart of God which is to love others as He has loved us.  

The Word of God shows us time and again how crying out for help is pleasing to God...recognizes His Sovereignty and Love...admits our deep need for Him and others...and strengthens the Body of Christ.  

Exodus 15:25, Moses cried out to God

Psalm 145:19, He hears our cries

Matthew 14:30-31, Peter reaches out to Jesus

Galatians 6:2, Carrying each others' burdens fulfills the law of Christ

Philippians 2:4, We are told to look out for what's best for others

Proverbs 11:25, When we help others/refresh others, we will be helped & refreshed

Philippians 2:2, We complete his joy when we are of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

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