Tip Toeing Toward Your Destiny

Marni Ausenbaugh
When I was growing up I was taught certain lessons. One of those lessons was to look both ways before I crossed the street.  The other one that stands out to me like a red light is how important is was to follow the leader.  Pictures of walking to lunch following the leader as a kindergartener run through my mind even now.

Both of these were engrained in  me as a child. This was how mature people lived their lives.  You looked both ways before you continued on your path as to not get pummeled by an oncoming car. The "follow the leader"  analogy came to create order. I get it!  I do!!  But what happens when we grow up and we still have this mindset and it filters over into how we run our specific race for Christ?  

I told a friend just yesterday that I felt I had been  "tiptoeing" toward what God had for me. This is when the Holy Spirit stopped me in my tracks! When this came out of my mouth, there was instantaneous conviction from Him.

 We often times know what God has gifted us to do but we "tiptoe" toward it making time to look both ways before we step out in faith. Sure, count the cost but lots of us have been arrested by the red lights that have come from many different sources.  We tiptoe ever so carefully toward the call God has made abundantly clear because we are hoping that God would rise up a leader to show us the way.  So we go through life tiptoeing toward our call and never stepping out.

God reminded tiptoeing doesn't work.
Tiptoeing shows a lack of faith.
Tiptoeing isn't running.
Tiptoeing is being disobedient.

Let me share why.

Hebrews 12:1-2
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside the weight, and the sin which so easy ensnares us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God

To run means to have a course and run it or walk hastily.
Patience here means to have endurance. ("stick to it" ness)

Many years ago when I was just a young female worship leader, I asked God to give me a role model. What I meant by that request was I wanted someone to walk two steps in front of me so I could mimic her every step. Sure!!  I watched Darlene Z. as a young worship leader but I found no one in my geographical area that I could "draft" behind  See!!  I was tiptoeing even then.

About six years ago God called me to begin bringing the word online.  I continued to request a role model. As you can image, I didn't get one. One day when I was asking "yet again" for a role model for teaching, I heard God speak so clearly. He said, "where there is no model, you're the model, why do you think I'm talking to you?" I'll never forget it. It has marked my life more than I can portray. I was tiptoeing and not running...I was looking to the left and right. I'd been tiptoeing my whole life afraid to set the pace waiting on God to give me someone I could "draft" behind.   Don't get me wrong a mentor is a wonderful thing but God wanted me to step out in faith without an amen section to spur me in what He had assigned. He wanted my obedience to be to Him alone. He didn't want me to have someone to "draft" behind.

Drafting is a "racing" term.  Drafting is when two cars are running the race right behind each other. The bumper of the lead car is almost being kissed by the front of the second car. This maneuver allows the second car to not have so much drag by the wind so it's easier for the second car to run the race.  This reminds me of me.... I was waiting for the leader to lead me when He was trying to all along. I think I'm not the only one...

I didn't feel equipped.
I didn't feel knowledgeable enough.
I was hoping someone else would confirm the way.
I have given every excuse not to run my race....
I stutter...(Moses) cough cough.
Who will listen?

I've used every excuse in the book and yet God had assigned me a race to run... and I was tiptoeing.

Do we have any "tip-toers"  in the house?

God didn't tiptoe up on that cross.
He came with the plan in place to run His race.

We are called to run our race with endurance God has assigned to us.
Runners don't tiptoe!
Runners step up to the call and run toward the finish line.

You are not much different than me! Perhaps you've spent years questioning God. You've patiently waited for someone with skin on to give you the green light to run the race that God gave you the green light for years ago.

So I'll ask you the same question I have asked myself!  What are you waiting for?  The God of the universe has assigned a race just for you.  An important race that has a kingdom agenda slathered all over it.  

You may be like me and not be assigned a mentor.  If God assigns one, love them like no other but if you don't, you have the witnesses testified of in the Bible to show you it can be done through faith. Those that had a rap sheet a mile long and yet God used them in miraculous ways! Perhaps you aren't accomplished, neither were the disciples and yet God called them and He has called you. He has written down your days you are to walk in even before there was even one of them.

Runners don't tip-toe!  Runners have prepared themselves and they step up to the starting line. No one steps up to the starting line with an olympic runner and coddles them to begin their race. No!  They've shucked their weights and they step up and they run toward the course God has laid out!  

Are there any weights you need to drop?
Are there some starting lines you've missed stepping up to?
Do you have some races you are "tiptoeing" up to?

I can't wait to hear how you run that race!
Remember... runners don't tiptoe!

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