Not Fair

Marni Ausenbaugh
In the service of God, sometimes we are assigned a "not fair" season that turns out to be a favored one.

The story of Joseph has always intrigued me. We see God's hand is upon him but so is the struggle. Joseph goes through many "not fair" moments that are orchestrated by God. This is where I want to land today.

Each of us have had hard moments brought on by our own sin but when they seem to be arranged by God, those can be tough to walk through. Have you ever been through a hard season and just between you and God said, "this isn't fair!"  These moments liken me to a three year old throwing the biggest tantrum. Three year olds have matured into just enough self will to be dangerous.  The tantrums aren't pretty. No matter how hard you struggle on the path you are on, it seems as if God has carved this rut out Himself for you to walk through!   It's ok to be honest if honesty leads us to our knees where we are transformed.

I've said some of these exact things to God.

Are you seeing what I am going through?

Let this cup pass from me!

This isn't fair!

There is no way, God you are going to get any glory from this!

I'm tired!

I'm spent!

I quit!

Yet in the life of Joseph, as a picture of Christ, He seems to settle into the rut knowing it was carved by God. Not all of his life was a rut because he ends up in the palace but by that time a-lot of mud was slung. He has lost relationship with his family and gone through many trials even before he hits the luxury of palace life.  Even after the palace appointment, the struggles don't end.

But as we read his story, we see God orchestrating the life of this simple young man to do kingdom things in what seems like the "not fair season."   Walking with God isn't always an upward trajectory.  The graph of my personal timeline with God looks as if God is drawing it as He rides bareback through the roughest terrain known to man! It has lots of ups and downs and sharp dips! But just like in the life of Joseph, God never takes His hands off the reigns of this journey. Does it have a purpose? Yes. Is it always uphill? Heck no! Does the three year old within me have to trust the Father? Yes... I guess as we walk through the "not fair" seasons with God, we trust dip by dip!!  There is a verse about Joseph's life that always settles my rip torn soul. It is Genesis 50:20

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
Genesis 50:20

I'm not over here saving lives but what I receive from this verse is that God saw it all, used it and often times even orchestrates it with a big bow of purpose wrapped around it.

Could I ever in my flesh see purpose in false accusation, betrayal, neglect or famine? No. But God is cool like that! He orchestrates seasons which feel "not fair" to the betterment of everyone!

Are you walking through betrayal?
Trust Him anyway.

Are you estranged from family?
Allow Him to do the work, humble yourself and watch the fruit flourish.

Have you been forgotten?
You haven't been forgotten by God.

My body breathes a deep sigh of relief when I know there is a never a time He doesn't see me. He orchestrates every step of my life, even those steps that land me in a pit.

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